Guth na Gàidhlig ann am Ball-Coise


Chaidh Comann Ball-Coise Alba a stèidheachadh gus ball-coise a chleachdadh mar fheachd airson Gàidhlig na h-Alba a cheanglachadh, a bhrosnachadh agus a dh'fhàs tro ghnìomhachd ball-coise coimhearsnachd.

The Alba Football Association has been established to use football as a force to connect, inspire and grow Scottish Gaelic through community football activity, both nationally and internationally.



Airson an lèine a ghabhail os làimhe agus a’ ghairm a chuir an cèill | To grasp the shirt and sound the cry 📣

8mh den t-Ògmhios | June 8

Bho oiseanan na Gàidhealtachd chruinnich buidheann beag coisgrig. From the corners of Gaeldom gathered a small devoted band.

12mh den t-Ògmhìos | June 12

A’ chiad geama a-riamh aig Alba FA. First ever match.

14mh den t-Ògmhios | June 14

A’ chiad buaidh a-riamh aig Alba FA. First ever win.

14mh den t-Iuchar | July 14

Le Euro 2024 a’tighinn gu ceann, chan eil ar sgeulachd ach air tòiseachadh. Euro 2024 draws to a close but our story has just begun.

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Awaken the Legend | Donations available now |

Awaken the Legend | Donations available now |

We want you to join us on our journey of discovery where we connect our past to our future and bring our language onto the football pitch.

Donation options are available by clicking the button below.

IsSinneAlba | WeAreAlba



  • The Alba Football Association has been established to use football as a force to connect, inspire and grow Scottish Gaelic through community football activity.

  • The Alba Football Association will become the overarching governing organisation to support the development of Gaelic community football clubs.

  • A community-based organisation committed to providing multigenerational football activity to both fluent Gaelic speakers and language learners.

  • FC Sonas, Scotland's first Gaelic Community Football Club.

  • To increase everyday impact, FC Sonas will now offer a comprehensive pathway for Boys and Girls in the Inverness area to participate in regular recreational activity. The focus will move away from weekly drop in sessions to weekly age-group team trainings and work towards entering a local games programme.